Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Sunday, 10 January 2010

Newspaper print advert

This newspaper print advert has been created to form coherence among all of the aspects of this prodcution, including the documentary itself and the radio advert.

This is the overall finished design for our newspaper print advert. It has the name of the programme, the slogan, time and day of scheduling and the BBC logo included on it, to make it realistic and professional. We decided to create it in this way because, we felt having the sweet larger in the middle (than the hands) made the whole thing stand out, and this is a code and convention of print ads - one main striking image. Having the hands come in from different angles of the shot portrayed the image as sterotypical and it also appeal to a family audience as it has hands of different age and gender.

Here are some examples of other BBC programmes that have created print adverts to advertise their show.

BBC news...ask the right question
World News

I have also retrieved examples of other channels that have created adverts to promote a programme.

Channel 5
Channel 4

From looking at all examples of print adverts, i feel BBC's follow the conventions stronger as they all involve one striking image. However channel's 4 and 5 seem interesting and stand out alot more, therefore grabbing the audiences attention.

And here are all of the photographic images taken in order to create this advert. Some of the following images were used and some were not.
not used (lightening = too bright)
not used (lightening = too bright)
not used (Paper doesn't cover whole of shot)


We took this many different photographs, because we wanted to see which would work and which would not.
By doing this you can ensure to create the best quality of the print possible.

Radio Advert

After completing the production of our documentary and creation of the newspaper print advert, we were required to create and record a radio advert which would be broadcasted on numerous radio stations of our choice in order to grab our target audiences' attention.

Here is the finished radio script (in writing):

"From children’s parties to cinema trips, even to that hidden stash under your bed, sweets are part of everyday life.
Bon, bons, sour balls, nibbles and wine gums.
We all have our favourites.
So what’s yours?
Tune in to Allsorts, 7pm, Sunday BBC ONE."

Throughout the advert we included extracts from the documentary (e.g. from the young girl interview - 'sweets are part of everyday life'.), which is a main code and convention for all radio adverts.

Here is a photograph of the recording studio and the woman who recorded the voiceover for us.

(She also recorded the voiceover for the documentary).

<<< (Voiceover) Teacher from school.

Here are two examples of radio adverts taken from the BBC:

Finally here is our finished radio advert: